August 28 - First Prototype/August 29 - First Class Playtest

The games all three of us brought to class:
- Manga Tarot
- Exploding Kittens
- Cards Against Humanity
What do you like?
What isn’t working?
How does the theme influence mechanics?
Simplicity is your friend
Leave room for design
Brainstorming Theme Examples:
- Inter-player interactivity/ risk or reward system
- Maze
- monsters
- Comedy
- Making a story from cards
- Fill in the blanks
- Board game with some cards that could hurt other players or help themselves or do something random.
- Predicting the future
- A card game requires fast reaction
- Dating sim based on exploding kittens w/ risk/reward mechanics (like Tinder, swiping right mean yes, while swiping left means no) - multiple players? Maybe some targets are high points or something, the bombs are the big scores in this game?
- Dating sim based on exploding kittens w/ risk/reward mechanics- yanderes
Main goal: Dating sim in which your goal is to get with a single partner while preventing other players from doing the same
Brainstorming Targets:
Players start with the same amount of charm points and defense points
Capturable Targets
I.e: Keanu Leaves (4-star)
Required Stats:
- PARTNER HAS TO BE A DOG LOVER >:( :) (+ 2 charm points and + 100 cool points)
- Has to like action movies
I.e: Zark Muckerberg (3-star)
Required Stats:
- “Command Affirmed. I will give them the ZUCC.”
- You gotta be tech SAVVY
- You are a CEO (+2 defense)
I.e: Matt from McDonalds (2-star)
Required Stats:
- “Uh, well, can you do the dishes? That’s a check in my book.” Charm
- You’re a clean freak
- You’re a foodie
I.e: KPOP-stan girl (1-star) crazy kpop fans man holy
Required Stats:
- “If you don’t look like my baby Jungk**k, then I’ll swipe left on you…”
- You have to like music; they will stuff u into a room and transform u into a k-pop star
- You have to be a boy
- You have to be a foodie
There is a certain amount of targets in the pool (need 9 or higher? Total points)
1-star will have a negative effect, either in stats or a debuff
2-star will have no effects
3-star will greatly increase a stat while decreasing another (or grant a debuff)
4-star will increase all stats greatly but skip a turn or give up a card (only 1
Base Stats (represented by tokens)
Charm Points (Health): Thumbs up
(Defense): a firewall with a middle finger sticking out, these maintain charm points. At the start of the round each player have one token (special traits may affect this stat)1
There will be three piles: Discard pile, Draw pile (traits, attack, special cards), Target pile
Max hand of 6, if your hand exceeds more than 6 you must discard a card
- Traits
- Cards to take away trait cards from other rivals
- Cards to defend against attacks
- Special cards (one time use, increase stats/decrease stats for tactical target claiming, avoid an attack card)
Playtest Notes:
- Cards in the deck right now: 16 traits, 10 targets, 22 defense (8 general defense, 4 reflect), 20 attacks (4 normal, 2 skip, 2 drop cards),
- If not doing anything in this turn, the player can choose to discard one card and pick up another one from the pile but can’t do anything after pick up
- Too many defense cards
- Play as many cards as you wish, at the end of turn, players draw card so that they have 5 in hand (tentative to change)
- 2 targets in circulation at once
- If 2 ppl arguing over target, other players can decide who gets target
- Pictures for traits
- (this is set) Declaration of Love allows a player to challenge for a target in play while saying a cheesy line (this disregards your amount of charm points)
- Declaration of Love gets put back in draw deck after use and shuffle
Get Love is War
Love is War
A card game where you fight against other players to capture love interests, eloquently.
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Michelle Tu |
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- September 7 & 8 - Card IllustrationsSep 10, 2019
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- September 5 - 3rd Class Playtest/ September 6 - Game ChangesSep 10, 2019
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- Week 2 NotesSep 09, 2019
- Week 1 NotesSep 09, 2019
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